The Duke of Connaught's Own Club Fareham

Welcome to the Duke of Connaught’s Own Club, based in the heart of Fareham, Hampshire.

Apply for membership to take advantage of all club facilities, activities and events, and make a few new friends along the way!

About The DOC Club

Read about the origins & history of the Duke of Connaught's own Club.

Who's Who

Check out familiar faces and who does what in the club.

Food Menu

Join us for Sunday lunch and place your order online ahead of arrival.

Bar Tariff

Check out our extensive range of beers, ales, wines & spirits available at the bar.


New members are always welcome. Submit an application today!

Clubs & Pastimes

Discover the various local sport & pastime clubs who meet here.

Hall Hire

Enquire about hiring our main function room for your special event, celebration or meeting.


Win with one of our games including the Tote, Chase the Ace and more!


The latest news and announcements from the DOC club.

Contact Us

Get in touch and find all of our contact details.

Chairman's Message

25th July 2024

Hello all,

As always, don’t forget to keep an eye on the ‘What’s On’ page for up-coming events. This information will also always be on the tv screens in the Club, along with info on the notice boards and flyers.

I’m sure you have seen, or been on the receiving end of a request for sponsorship from Jack Craven and Cider Phil in relation to their raising funds for Kids with Cancer. This is a charity very close to their hearts and they will be having their heads shaved, literally, on Sunday 11th August in the Club. I do hope that you can support them with any amount that you are able to offer.

We are looking forward to our annual charity fun day which takes place on Saturday 31st August. Whilst the Club will be open at the normal time, we start our fun and charity fund- raising at 2.00pm and will carry on right through the evening. We will have a host of different games including the ever popular “Play your Cards Right”, along with Hoy, rapid raffles, guess the weight of the cake and much more. Instead of the usual BBQ this year, we will have a hog roast on site which we hope will be popular with you all.  We also have an exciting mystery auction box up for grabs in the evening,.

I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to all of our lovely members for any items that you may be able to donate to be included in our raffles or the evening auction. Whether it be unwanted gifts or bottles of booze, tins of any description to go into the hampers that Sam is going to put together, anything that you think may raised money for Children with Cancer UK.

In closing, I just wanted to remind everyone that following the AGM in December 2023, the attending members gave the Committee permission to raise membership fee’s to £15.00 per annum. It is never fun putting prices up, but we feel that £1.25 per month for membership offers fantastic value and is more than competitive when comparing fees at other establishments. This increase will come into effect at renewal time this September 2024. Please also don’t forget that there is a one-off £5.00 fee payable for the membership card which is refundable should you cease to be a member.  For more detail on this, please feel free to contact myself or Jackie Crabb.

Stay Safe !

Contact the Chairman

Got an idea or a suggestion? Get in touch with Lee!